Friday, March 16, 2007

Ginger-hooweee! Tea(:

Just brewed up the good 'ol Ginger and whoowee! it's powerful! Love it-
here are some complements to it care of a wonderful site i found will sipping this tea- Enjoy! Surf the web with ease-

Tummy tamer:
Instead of popping Tums, brew some spicy tea to soothe digestive ailments. Ginger, known as "the hot root," warms you from head to toe and stimulates digestion-aiding enzymes. It also cures both morning and motion sicknesses. And look no further than your spice rack for relief from menstrual cramps, gas and heartburn: "Fennel, anise, coriander and cardamom all have antispasmodic properties and help create movement in the intestines," says Augustine, who suggests you add these herbs to your cup o' tea.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for tracking down the healthiest cookie ever... would love to know what modifications you made and how they worked out. Also- on the topic of ginger- it is my favourite spice ever. Especially in the winter- keeps you warm from the inside out. Have a read: