Monday, August 18, 2008

Wow Mushroom!


What IS that?

WOw! It's a mushroom:-)

Oh my! Emmet pointed this out to me on our way to the library- at first I was confused as i thought I might be looking at an ocean booee (sp?) then it truly looked like a dinosour egg, to me. When we went up to it and realized it was a mushroom we were in complete awe!!!

Our best searches on the net reveal this to be an earthball musroom! What a sight:-)
The Audubon Field Guide to New England has a picture of this mushroom and lists it as a Giant Puffball (Calvatia Gigantea) With much curiousity we delved into it and found it rather solid inside, much like a mozzarella ball. Later we found that the lawnmower had shredded it to bits, spores all over the place!

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