Sunday, August 31, 2008

School of Thinking - What are YOUR strengths?

Dr Martin Seligman is the founder of Positive Psychology, a new branch of psychology which focuses on the empirical study of such things as positive emotions, strengths-based character, and healthy institutions.


Thursday, August 28, 2008

Meridian Yoga

Dear Yoga Friends
I hope your summer is going well!

I'm writing you from New Mexico, deep in the Monzano Mountains, near Albuquerque. I'm attending a retreat with a Sufi teacher named Adnan Sardan. He's amazing by the way.
Last May a forest fire burnt part of the retreat center and the surrounding environs, so the mountains are both black and green .... dark with burnt trees and vividly green where new growth is coming.
When I practice yoga outside in the mornings here, and gaze at the mountains I reflect on the cycle of destruction and creation, dramatically evident in front of my eyes. Life is change, so if you're only feeling the aftermath of the fire, look for the birthing too. Find the little bursts of green in the dark areas of your life. These little spurts of life are there and important. Find them and nurture them .... for you and the world too.

Here are some upcoming Yoga trainings .... offered in the spirit of new, courageous, green life. May we all be blessed with that!

Namaste, Mountain
Daniel Orlansky

When you feel there is no hope,
be the hope. ~ Yogi Bhajan

New Birth on the Mountain

Monday, August 18, 2008

House Rules

Are rather simple really- Be Gentle and Clean up!

Wow Mushroom!


What IS that?

WOw! It's a mushroom:-)

Oh my! Emmet pointed this out to me on our way to the library- at first I was confused as i thought I might be looking at an ocean booee (sp?) then it truly looked like a dinosour egg, to me. When we went up to it and realized it was a mushroom we were in complete awe!!!

Our best searches on the net reveal this to be an earthball musroom! What a sight:-)
The Audubon Field Guide to New England has a picture of this mushroom and lists it as a Giant Puffball (Calvatia Gigantea) With much curiousity we delved into it and found it rather solid inside, much like a mozzarella ball. Later we found that the lawnmower had shredded it to bits, spores all over the place!

Sunflower Summer

We just transplanted a whole family of sunflowers to the front of our apt. building-
people are loving them! :-)

Lightening McQueen snowboots!

Sabba and Savta (Grandparents) sent the coolest gift! A gift certificate for whatever we want-

We got Emmet these awesome light up boots for only 14 bucks or so . . . ok, so they're probably not fair trade. And who knows where they're made . . . still they light up and Emmet is wearing them now in the heat of summer. They're pretty big and yet he can still walk well in them. Yay! Snow boots:-)

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Between the Lions LIVE!

The Academy of Music in Northampton featured a live performance of the lovely lions from PBS Kids.

Read Between the Lions . . . as they say and check out this amazing show to help kids learn to read!

Friday, August 15, 2008